Steam Engine (Thermal Expansion)

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Steam Engine
Steam Engine

Steam Engine

Name Steam Engine
Source Mod Thermal Expansion
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance TE 2.0.0 for MC 1.4
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Energy 4.0 MJ/t
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer

The Steam Engine is part of Thermal Expansion. This engine burns solid fuels and consumes Water to produce MJ power. These engines will reduce their power output (and fuel consumption) if not enough energy is being consumed. If the engine overheats or runs out of water, it will shutdown and require a whack with a Crescent Hammer (or other BuildCraft compatible Wrench) to restart. OmniWrench usually will not "repair" this engine after forced shutdown. It was replaced by the Steam Dynamo in Thermal Expansion.

Power Minimum / Maximum: 0.4 MJ/t / 4.0 MJ/t.


Fuel MJ Time, seconds
Cactus, Sugarcane 76 2
Stick, Sapling 126 3
Plank, Log, Scaffold 426 11
Scrap 526 13
Scrap Box 4726 118
Charcoal 3176 80
Coal 4776 120
Coal Coke 9576 240

Burn time is given at full energy output, rounded to full seconds.

This engine gives significantly more MJs from a unit of fuel than a Stirling Engine, but can not burn lava buckets.

It can be assumed, that it was meant to give 1.5 times as many MJs as Stirling Engine, however, when the engine runs out of fuel it will still have 24 MJs stored but these will not be outputted into the device being powered and will be wasted.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Copper Ingot (Thermal Foundation)

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Copper Gear (Thermal Foundation)
Copper Gear (Thermal Foundation)
Steam Engine (Thermal Expansion)
