Brass Block

Brass Block
Brass Block

Name Brass Block
Source Mod Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod
ID Name
OreDict Name
First Appearance pre12 for MC 1.7.2
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30.0
Hardness 5.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Brass Block by Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod is a block used for compact storage of Brass Ingots. It has no usage currently other than being crafted back into 9 Brass Ingots.

Brass Block cannot be used as a base for a Beacon currently and is only used purely as an aesthetics block.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Ingot (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)
Brass Block


Brass Block can be used to create the following items: