Force Shears

Force Shears
Force Shears

Force Shears

Name Force Shears
Source Mod DartCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Tool
Stackable No

The Force Shears are a tool from DartCraft. They can cut Wool and Leaves and shear Sheep like vanilla Shears, but they can also cut Leather and Feathers from Cows and Chickens. Chickens also drop an egg when sheared. Just like Sheep, the Cows and Chickens need to eat Grass in order to restore their skin.

The Force Shears take no durability damage from cutting Tall Grass and Leaves.

The Force Shears can be given the Rainbow Enchantment in the Force Infuser machine, for the cost of a single piece of Lapis Lazuli.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Force Ingot

Force Ingot

Force Shears