Raven Feather

Raven Feather
Raven Feather

Name Raven Feather
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Item, Crafting Component
Stackable Yes (64)

The Raven Feather is an item added by the Twilight Forest mod that can be found as loot in chests in Hollow Hills or dropped by Forest Ravens found wandering the Forest. Raven Feathers can be used as an alternative for Feathers in the crafting recipe for Arrows, but a more productive use of a Raven Feather is as an important crafting component in the creation of the Magic Map Focus, a highly useful tool for finding and locating Twilight Forest Landmarks with the use of a Magic Map.

As the Raven's equivalent via Transformation Powder is the Bat, the Raven Feather could be acquired quite easily by using Transformation Powder to turn Bats into Ravens and then killing the Ravens for Raven Feathers. However, Feathers are not always dropped when a Raven is killed.


Raven Feather can be used to create the following items: