Spot Loader

Spot Loader
Spot Loader

Name Spot Loader
Source Mod ChickenChunks
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The Spot Loader keeps the chunk it is in loaded into memory constantly, allowing for all the game's processes to run normally in that single chunk, regardless if a player is present.

A redstone signal will turn this block off. When off, the orb will come to a rest.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Ender Pearl
Ender Pearl
Ender Pearl
Ender Pearl
Chunk Loader (ChickenChunks)
Ender Pearl
Ender Pearl
Ender Pearl
Ender Pearl
Spot Loader


In contrast to the Chunk Loader, this block does not have a GUI and is not configurable.

The Spot Loader is most useful when you need single chunks loaded that are not near each other—for continuous chunks, it is more advisable to use the Chunk Loader for the ability to load many chunks with a single block.

The Spot Loader

See Also[edit]

External Links[edit]

  • Chunk on the Minecraft Wiki