
Name Treefyd
Health 50 (Heart.png x 25)
Damage Heart.pngHeart.png
Blinds opponents
Hostility Hostile (towards anyone not in whitelist)
Spawn Anywhere Treefyd Seed is planted
Drops 2-3 Roses
Source Mod Witchery

The Treefyd is a mob from the Witchery mod. This mob does not spawn naturally, they must be grown from Treefyd Seeds. Treefyds have an internal whitelist that teaches them who to not attack, right clicking a seed on an existing treefyd copies the whitelist from the spawned treefyd, it automatically is passive against the seed's creator and other treefyds. Using a Taglock Kit of a player on a treefyd will add that player to their internal whitelist, this works for one treefyd at a time.

Using a Creeper Heart on a treefyd permanently gives the treefyd 100 health points and lets it deal four damage, while a Demon Heart permanently gives the treefyd 150 health points and lets it deal eight damage.

Snipping the treefyd with a boline will teach it to not wander too far but it will run off if it sees something it can attack. Snipping it again with the boline teaches it that roaming is fine.