
Original Packs[edit]

These modpacks are created and/or maintained by the Feed The Beast Team themselves and are available on the Twitch App for Desktop or Mac.


FTB Builders Paradise v1.0.0 (MC v1.12.2)

AE2 Wireless Terminals (AE2WTLib) • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • ArchitectureCraft • Astral Sorcery • Attribute Fix • AutoRegLib • Baubles • Bed Patch • Better Builder's Wands • Binnie's Genetics • Biomes O' Plenty • Blockcraftery • Blocklayering Mod • Bonsai Trees • Botania • Building Gadgets • Ceramics • Chameleon • Chisel • Chisels & Bits • Client Tweaks • CoFH Core • CoFH World • CompactStorage • ComPatchedStorage • Controlling • Crafting Tweaks • CraftPresence • CraftTweaker2 • CreativeCore • CTM • Custom Main Menu • Default Options • Diet Hopper • Dynamic Surroundings • EMC Builder's Wand • EnderStorage • Engineer's Doors • Extra Bit Manipulation • Fairy Lights • Fancy Lamps • FastFurnace • FastWorkbench • Flat Colored Blocks • FoamFix • Forestry • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • FTB Library • FTB Utilities • FTB Utilities: Backups • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod • Harvestables • Immersive Engineering • Inventory Tweaks • Item Filters • Item Zoom • JourneyMap • Just Enough Energistics • JustEnoughIDs • Just Enough Resources • Let's Encrypt Craft • LittleTiles • Main Menu Scale • MalisisCore • MalisisDoors • Mantle • Marble Crafting Table • MineTogetherServer • Mod Name Tooltip • Mod Tweaker • More Beautiful Buttons • MoreOverlays • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • MTLib • Mystical Lib • Neat • NetherPortalFix • No Mob Spawning on Trees • Not Enough Roofs • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • OreExcavation • OreLib Support Mod • P455w0rdslib • ProjectE • Project EX • Quark • RandomPatches • RandomTweaks • ReAuth • Reborn Core • Redstone Flux • Resource Loader • Rustic • Server Level Type • Simple Teleporters • Simply Backpacks • Simply Light • Smooth Font • Snow Variants • Splash Animation • Stone Chest • Storage Drawers • Tinkers' Construct • Tesslocator • Thaumcraft 6 • Thaumic JEI • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Thermal Innovation • Tinkers Tool Leveling • TipTheScales • TOP Addons • TorchMaster • The Twilight Forest • UniDict • Unlimited Chisel Works • Unlimited Chisel Works - Botany Compat • Vanilla Builders Extension • WanionLib • Wireless Crafting Terminal 2 • XenCraft • Xtones • YABBA • YAMDA • BetterFps • CodeChickenLib • Just Enough Items


FTB Continuum v1.6.0 (MC v1.12.2)

Actually Additions • Advanced Rocketry • AE2 Stuff • AppleCore • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics • AutoRegLib • B.A.S.E • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded • Baubles • BDLib • Bed Patch • Better Advancements • Better Builder's Wands • Better Questing • Better Questing - Standard Expansion • BiblioCraft • Binnie's Mods • Blockcraftery • Career Bees • Chameleon • Charset Lib • Chest Transporter • Chisel • Clumps • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CoFH World • ConnectedTexturesMod • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • CraftTweaker • Custom Main Menu • Dark Utilities • Default Options • EFab • Elulib • EnderStorage • Engineer's Doors • Engineers Workshop • Exchangers • Extra Cells • Extra Utilities • FastWorkbench • Flat Colored Blocks • Flux Networks • FoamFix • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • Gendustry • Pam's HarvestCraft • Immersive Engineering • Immersive Petroleum • Industrial Foregoing • Initial Inventory • Inventory Tweaks • IronChests • JEI Bees • JEI Integration • JourneyMap • LibVulpes • Loot Table Tweaker • Magic Bees • Mantle • McJtyLib • MineTogether • ModTweaker • More Overlays • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • MTLib • Natura • Nether Portal Fix • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Ore Excavation • OreExcavation Integration • P455w0rds Library • Pretty Beaches • ProjectE • Quark • Quick Leaf Decay • Ranged Pumps • ReAuth • Reborn Core • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Refined Storage • Resource Loader • RFTools • RFTools Control • RFTools Power • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • SimpleHarvest • SimpleLogic • Simply Jetpacks • Snad • SonarCore • SplashAnimation • Steve's Carts 2 • Storage Drawers • Storage Drawers: Misc Pack • Tech Reborn • TESLA • Tesla Core Lib • The One Probe • The Spice of Life • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Tool Leveling • TipTheScales • TOP Addons • TorchMaster • Translocators 1.8.+ • Traverse • UniDict • ValkyrieLib • WanionLib • Wireless Crafting Terminal • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • XNet • YABBA • Zero CORE • BetterQuestingTriggerer • Just Enough HarvestCraft • Diet Hoppers • Bookshelf (Mod) • Environmental Tech • Iron Backpacks • Extreme Reactors • Chisels and Bits • Just Enough Items • FTB Guides


FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.12 v2.5.0 (MC v1.12.2)

Actually Additions • Advanced Generators • Akashic Tome • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • Aroma1997Core • Aroma1997s Dimensional World • Astral Sorcery • AutoRegLib • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded • Baubles • BDLib • Better Advancements • Better Builder's Wands • Binnie's Mods • Biomes O' Plenty • Blockcraftery • Blood Magic • Botania • Brandon's Core • Chameleon • ChickenChunks • Chisel • CoFH Core • CoFH World • CodeChickenLib • Common Capabilities • CompactSolars • Compact Machines • ConnectedTexturesMod • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • CraftTweaker • Custom Main Menu • Cyclops Core • Dark Utilities • Deep Resonance • Default Options • Diet Hoppers • Draconic Evolution • ElecCore • EluLib • EnderCore • EnderStorage • Environmental Tech • Exchangers • Extra Utilities • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • FastWorkbench • Flat Colored Blocks • FoamFix • Forestry • Funky Locomotion • Gendustry • GraveStone Mod • Guide-API • Immersive Engineering • Industrial Foregoing • IndustrialCraft 2 • Integrated Dynamics • Integrated Tunnels • Inventory Sorter • JEI Bees • JEI Integration • JourneyMap • Just Enough Resources • Light Level Overlay • MCJtyLib • MCMultiPart • MTLib • Magic Bees • Mantle • MeeCreeps • Mercurius • MineTogether • Mob Grinding Utils • Mod Name Tooltip • ModTweaker • Morph • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • Nether Portal Fix • Not Enough Wands • OpenBlocks Elevator • OpenComputers • P455w0rds Library • Pam's HarvestCraft • Placebo • PneumaticCraft: Repressurized • Portal Gun • Psi • Quick Leaf Decay • RFTools • RFTools Control • RFTools Dimensions • Ranged Pumps • ReAuth • Reborn Core • RebornStorage • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Refined Storage • Refined Storage Addons • Resource Loader • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Simply Jetpacks • Storage Drawers • Storage Drawers: Misc Pack • SwingThroughGrass • TESLA • TOP Addons • Tesla Core Lib • Thaumcraft 6 • Thaumic JEI • The Lost Cities • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Thermal Innovation • Tinkers' Construct • TipTheScales • Toast Control • Twilight Forest • UniDict • ValkyrieLib • WanionLib • Wireless Crafting Terminal • XNet • Zero CORE • iChunUtil • Bookshelf (Mod) • Iron Backpacks • /dank/null • Extreme Reactors • Chisels and Bits • EnderIO • Iron Chests • Just Enough Items


FTB Egg Hunt v1.0.0 (MC v1.12.2)

Chisel • CodeChickenLib • ConnectedTexturesMod • Custom Main Menu • Ender Utilities • FTB Eggs • ForgeMultipart • I Know What I'm Doing • MCJtyLib • Mantle • Natura • Platforms • RFTools • Reborn Core • Resource Loader • Shetiphian Core


FTB Horizons III v1.8.1 (MC v1.12.2)

Akashic Tome • Angel of Vengeance • AppleSkin • Astral Sorcery • AutoRegLib • Backpacks! • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded • Baubles • BDLib • Bed Bugs • Better Builder's Wands • BiblioCraft • Biomes O' Plenty • Blockcraftery • Calculator • Chameleon • Chest Transporter • Chisel • CoFH Core • CoFH World • CodeChickenLib • Common Capabilities • Compact Machines • Compacter • ConnectedTexturesMod • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • Custom Main Menu • Cyclic • Cyclops Core • Dark Utilities • Deep Resonance • Diet Hoppers • ET Lunar • ElecCore • EluLib • Embers • Ender Tanks • Environmental Tech • EverlastingAbilities • EvilCraft • Exchangers • Extra Bit Manipulation • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • Farming for Blockheads • Flat Colored Blocks • FoamFix • Funky Locomotion • GraveStone Mod • Industrial Foregoing • Integrated Dynamics • Integrated Tunnels • Interaction Wheel • Inventory Tweaks • IronChests • JourneyMap • Just Enough Resources • Light Level Overlay • Long Fall Boots • MCJtyLib • MTLib • MineTogether • MobTotems • Modular Routers • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • Multi-Storage • Nether Portal Fix • P455w0rds Library • Quick Leaf Decay • RF Lux • Ranged Pumps • ReAuth • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Redstone Paste Mod • Refined Storage • Refined Storage Addons • Xeno's Reliquary • Resource Loader • Roots • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Shetiphian Core • Silent Lib • Silent's Gems • Silent's Gems: Extra Parts • Simple Harvest • SonarCore • Storage Drawers • Storage Network • Super Sound Muffler • TOP Addons • TamModized • Tesla Core Lib • The Lost Cities • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Thut's Elevators • ThutCore • TorchMaster • UniDict • ValkyrieLib • WanionLib • Waystones • XNet • Xtones • YABBA • XNICEx • Bookshelf (Mod) • Dank/null • Chisels and Bits • Just Enough Items


FTB Interactions v1.4.1 (MC v1.12.2)

Actually Additions • Actually Baubles • Advanced Rocketry • AE 2 Wireless Terminal Library • Animus • Apotheosis • AppleCore • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • ArchitectureCraft • ArmoreableMobs • ArtemisLib • Artisan Worktables • Astral Sorcery • Athenaeum • AutoRegLib • Avaritia • B.A.S.E • Baubles • Baubley Heart Canisters • Better Advancements • BetterFps • Bigger Packets Please • Blood Magic 2 • BnBGamingCore • BNBGamingLib • Bookshelf (Mod) • Botania • Botania Tweaks • Brandon's Core • Building Gadgets • Ceramics • CEU • Chickens • Chisel • CleanView • Clumps • CodeChickenLib • CoFH Core • CoFH World • Common Capabilities • Compact Machines • ConnectedTexturesMod • ContentTweaker • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • Coop • Cosmetic Armor • CraftTweaker • CreativeCore • Crying Obsidian (mod) • Custom Main Menu • Cyclic • Cyclops Core • Deadly Monsters • Deep Mob Learning • Deep Mob Learning - Blood Magic Addon • Diet Hoppers • Dimension Stages • Dimensional Control • Discord • Doomlike Dungeons • Draconic Evolution • Dropt • Dynamic Lights • EmberRoot Zoo • Emojiful • EnderIO • EnderStorage • Ender Utilities • EnderCore • Extra Utilities • FastWorkbench • Floralchemy • Flux Networks • FoamFix • ForgeMultiPart • FTB Library • FTB Quests • FTB Utilities • FTB Utilities: Backups • Funky Locomotion • Game Stages • GregTech Community Edition • Guide-API • Guidebook • Hardcore Darkness • HitWithAxe • Hot or Not • HungerOverhaul • Ice and Fire • iChunUtil • In Control! • Industrial Foregoing • Initial Inventory • Insomniac • Integrated Dynamics • Integrated Tunnels • Integration Foregoing • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • It's the little things • Item Filters • JEI Integration • Just Enough Dimensions • Just Enough Energetics • Just Enough HarvestCraft • Knowledge Sharer • Laser Creeper Robot Dino Riders From Space • LetsEncryptCraft • LibrarianLib • LibVulpes • LittleTiles • LLibrary • LootTweaker • Main Menu Scale • Mantle • McJtyLib • MCMultiPart • Mekanism • Mighty Ender Chicken • MineTogether • Mob Stages • Mod Name Tooltip • ModTweaker • Modular Diversity • Modular Machinery • More Chickens • More Overlays • Mouse Tweaks • MTLib • Nature's Compass • No Night Vision Flashing • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Ore Excavation • P455w0rd's Library • Pam's HarvestCraft • Patchouli • Pickle Tweaks • Placebo • Plants • PlusTiC • Portal Gun (Mod) • Primal Tech • ProjectE • Quark • Random Things • RandomPatches • RandomTweaks • ReAuth • RebornCore • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Xeno's Reliquary • Resizing Potion • Resource Loader • RF Tools • Robotic Parts • Rough Mobs 2 • Rough Tweaks • Rustic • Rustic Thaumaturgy • Scannable • Scavenge • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Shadows of Greg • Simple Teleporters • Simple Trophies • Sonar Core • Soulus • Stats Keeper • Super Factory Manager • SwingTroughGlass • TerraCore • Terra Core Lib • Thaumcraft 6 • Thaumic Energistics 2 • Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning • Thaumic JEI • Thaumic Periphery • The One Probe • The Spice of Life • The Weirding Gadget • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Thermal Innovation • ThermalLogistics • Third Person Camera Fix • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Extras • Tinkers' Complement • TinkerStages • Tips • Toast Control • Together Forever • Tomb Many Graves 2 • TombManyGraves 2 API • TombManyPlugins • TOP Addons • Translocators • Traverse • Twerk Sim 2K16 • VillagerTradingBan • Void Island Control • Water Control Extreme • Water Strainer • Whoops • Wireless Crafting Terminal • Wizardry • Xaero's Minimap • Xaero's World Map • Xtones • Zen Summoning • Zen Triggers • ZenStages • Nutrition • Just Enough Items


FTB Pyramid Reborn 3.0 v2.1.1 (MC v1.12.2)

Actually Additions • AppleSkin • B.A.S.E • Balanced Clay Tools • Baubles • Better Builder's Wands • BetterFps • Botania • Brandon's Core • Chameleon • Charset Lib • Charset Storage - Barrels • Charset Tweaks • Chisel • Clumps • CoFH Core • CoFH World • CodeChickenLib • Common Capabilities • Computronics • ConnectedTexturesMod • Controlling • CraftTweaker • Crafting Tweaks • Custom Main Menu • Cyclops Core • Default Options • Diet Hoppers • Ding • Draconic Evolution • Ender Utilities • Extra Utilities • FTB Achievements • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • FastWorkbench • Flux Networks • FoamFix • Forestry • Hammer Core • Hardcore Map Reset • Immersive Engineering • Industrial Foregoing • IndustrialCraft 2 • Integrated Dynamics • Integrated Tunnels • Integration Foregoing • Inventory Sorter • IronChests • Light Level Overlay • MCJtyLib • MTLib • MineTogether • Mob Grinding Utils • Mod Name Tooltip • Mod-Fix • ModTweaker • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • Nether Portal Fix • NoNausea • OC XNet Driver • OpenBlocks Elevator • OpenComputers • Ore Excavation • Placebo • PneumaticCraft: Repressurized • RFTools • ReAuth • Reborn Core • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Refined Storage • Refined Storage Addons • Resource Loader • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Simple Harvest • Snad • Solar Flux Reborn • SonarCore • SplashAnimation • Storage Drawers • TESLA • TOP Addons • Tesla Core Lib • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Tiny Progressions • TipTheScales • Toast Control • TorchMaster • UniDict • WanionLib • XNet • YABBA • YNot • YUNoMakeGoodMap • Zero CORE • Bookshelf (Mod) • Extreme Reactors • Chisels and Bits • Just Enough Items • FTB Guides


FTB Revelation v3.4.0 (MC v1.12.2)

/dank/null • Actually Additions • Actually Baubles • Akashic Tome • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • ArchitectureCraft • Aroma1997Core • Aroma1997s Dimensional World • Astral Sorcery • AutoRegLib • B.A.S.E • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded • Baubles • BDLib • Bed Patch • Better Advancements • Better Builder's Wands • BiblioCraft • Binnie's Mods • Blockcraftery • Blood Magic • Botania • Brandon's Core • Career Bees • Chameleon • Chest Transporter • Chisel • Clumps • CoFH Core • CoFH World • CodeChickenLib • CompactSolars • ConnectedTexturesMod • Construct's Armory • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • CraftTweaker • Custom Main Menu • Dark Utilities • Deep Resonance • Default Options • Diet Hoppers • Dirt2Path • Draconic Evolution • ET Lunar • ElecCore • Ender IO • EnderCore • EnderStorage • Engineer's Doors • Engineers Workshop • Environmental Tech • Exchangers • Extra Utilities • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • FastWorkbench • Fence Jumper • Flat Colored Blocks • Flux Networks • FoamFix • Forestry • ForgeMultipart • Gendustry • Guide-API • Immersive Engineering • Immersive Petroleum • Industrial Foregoing • Industrial Wires • IndustrialCraft 2 • Initial Inventory • Inventory Tweaks • IronChests • JEI Bees • JEI Integration • JourneyMap • Just Enough HarvestCraft • Just Enough Resources • Long Fall Boots • MCJtyLib • MCMultiPart • MTLib • Magic Bees • Mantle • MineTogether • Mod Name Tooltip • ModTweaker • More Overlays • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • MrTJPCore • Natura • Nature's Compass • Not Enough Wands • NotEnoughIDs • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Pam's HarvestCraft • Placebo • Platforms • Project Red • Quark • Quick Leaf Decay • RFTools • RFTools Control • RFTools Power • Ranged Pumps • ReAuth • Reborn Core • RebornStorage • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Refined Storage • Refined Storage Addons • Xeno's Reliquary • Resource Loader • Rustic • ShadowMC • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Simple Void World • SimpleHarvest • Simply Jetpacks • Snad • SonarCore • SplashAnimation • Steve's Carts 2 • Storage Drawers • TOP Addons • Tesla Core Lib • Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning • Thaumic JEI • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Thermal Innovation • Thut's Elevators • ThutCore • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Tool Leveling • TipTheScales • TorchMaster • Twilight Forest • UniDict • ValkyrieLib • WanionLib • Waystones • Wireless Crafting Terminal • Woot • XNet • Xtones • YABBA • Zero CORE • Thaumcraft 6 • Bookshelf (Mod) • AE2 Wireless Terminal Library • Iron Backpacks • Extreme Reactors • Chisels and Bits • Advanced Machines • Advanced Solar Panels • Biomes O' Plenty • BuildCraft • Computronics • FTB Backups • Gravitation Suite • Harvest • Immersive Cables • Integration Foregoing • LetsEncryptCraft • MysticalLib • Nice • P455w0rd's Library • Patchouli • Phosphor • Railcraft • Random Patches • ShetiPhian Core • Soul Shards Respawn • Storage Drawers Extras • Translocators • Just Enough Items • FTB Guides


FTB Sky Adventures v1.4.0 (MC v1.12.2)

Actually Additions • Actually Baubles • AE2 Wireless Terminals (AE2WTLib) • Akashic Tome • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • ArchitectureCraft • AutoRegLib • Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded • Baubles • BDLib • Bed Patch • Better Advancements • Better Builder's Wands • BiblioCraft • Binnie's Genetics • Blockcraftery • Blood Magic 2 • Bookshelf • Botania • Brandon's Core • Building Gadgets • Example Mod • Chameleon • Chest Transporter • Chickens • Chisel • Chisels & Bits • Clumps • CodeChicken Lib • CoFH Core • CoFH World • Compacter • Compact Solar Arrays • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • Crafting Tweaks • CraftTweaker2 • CTM • Good Ol' Currency Mod • Custom Main Menu • Dark Utilities • Default Options • Diet Hopper • Dirt2Path • Draconic Evolution • ElecCore • EnderCore • Ender IO Machines • EnderStorage • Engineer's Doors • Environmental Tech • ET Lunar • Exchangers • Ex Nihilo Creatio • Extra Utilities 2 • Extreme Reactors • FastWorkbench • Flat Colored Blocks • Flux Networks • FoamFix • Forestry • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Forge Microblocks • FTBLib • FTB Quests • FTB Utilities • GenDustry • Guide-API • Harvest • Hatchery • Immersive Engineering • IndustrialCraft 2 • Industrial Foregoing • Industrial Wires • InitialInventory • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chest • JEI Bees • JEI Integration • KleeSlabs • Let's Encrypt Craft • Long Fall Boots • Loot Bags • LootTweaker • Magic Bees • Mantle • McJtyLib • MC Multi Part • MineTogetherServer • Mod Name Tooltip • Mod Tweaker • More Chickens • MoreOverlays • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • MrTJPCore • MTLib • EluLib • Nature's Compass • NetherPortalFix • No Mob Spawning on Trees • Not Enough Wands • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • OreExcavation • P455w0rdslib • Placebo • ProjectE • ProjectRed Core • ProjectRed Fabrication • ProjectRed integration • ProjectRed Illumination • ProjectRed Relocation • ProjectRed Exploration • QuantumStorage • ReAuth • Reborn Core • RebornStorage • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Refined Storage • Refined Storage Addons • Resource Loader • RFTools • RFTools Control • Rftoolspower • Roost • Simply Jetpacks 2 • Smooth Font • Snad • SonarCore • Splash Animation • Steve's Carts 2 • Storage Drawers • Storage Drawers Extras • Tinkers' Construct • Team Islands • Tesla Core Lib Registries • Thaumcraft 6 • Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning • Thaumic JEI • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Thermal Innovation • Tinkers Tool Leveling • TipTheScales • Toast Control • TOP Addons • TorchMaster • Twerk-Sim 2K16 • UniDict • Valkyrie Lib • WanionLib • Wireless Crafting Terminal 2 • Woot • Xaero's Minimap • XNet • YABBA • YUNoMakeGoodMap • Zero CORE • Just Enough Items • FTB Guides


FTB Sky Odyssey v1.1.0 (MC v1.12.2)

Actually Additions • Actually Baubles • AE2 Stuff • AE2 Wireless Terminals (AE2WTLib) • Akashic Tome • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • ArchitectureCraft • Attribute Fix • AutoRegLib • Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded • Baubles • BDLib • Bed Patch • Better Advancements • Better Builder's Wands • BetterFps • BNB Gaming Core • BNBGamingLib • Bone Appetit • Bonsai Trees • Bookshelf • Botania • Botanic Bonsai • Brandon's Core • Building Gadgets • Chameleon • Charset • Charset-Tools Engineering • Chickens • Chisel • Chisels & Bits • Client Tweaks • Clipboard • Clumps • CodeChicken Lib • CoFH Core • CoFH World • Compacter • Compact Solar Arrays • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • Crafting Tweaks • CraftTweaker2 • CTM • Cucumber Library • Custom Main Menu • Dark Utilities • Deep Mob Learning • Deep Mob Learning - Blood Magic Addon • Default Options • Diet Hopper • Dirt2Path • Draconic Evolution • ElecCore • Enable Cheats • EnderCore • Ender IO Machines • EnderStorage • Environmental Tech • Exchangers • Extra Bit Manipulation • Extra Cells 2 • Extra Utilities 2 • FastFurnace • FastWorkbench • Flat Colored Blocks • Flux Networks • FoamFix • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Forge Microblocks • Framland • Beast Coin Miner • FTB Odyssey World • FTB Library • FTB Money • FTB Quests • FTB Utilities • FTB Utilities: Backups • Guide-API • Hard Core Map Reset • Harvest • Hatchery • Hopper Ducts • IE Cloche Compat • Immersive Engineering • IndustrialCraft 2 • Industrial Foregoing • Industrial Renewal • Integration Foregoing • Inventory Pets • Simple Inventory sorting • Iron Chest • Item Filters • JEI Integration • Just Enough Reactors • Just Enough Resources • KleeSlabs • Let's Encrypt Craft • Loading Tips • Long Fall Boots • LootTweaker • Marble Crafting Table • McJtyLib • MC Multi Part • MineTogetherServer • Mob Grinding Utils • Mod Name Tooltip • Modpack Config Checker • Mod Tweaker • Modular Diversity • Modular Machinery • More Chickens • MoreOverlays • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • ModPack Basic Tools • ModPack Utilities • MTLib • Mystical Agradditions Compat • Mystical Agradditions • Mystical Agriculture • Nature's Compass • Neat • NetherPortalFix • No Mob Spawning on Trees • No Recipe Book • Not Enough Wands • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • OreExcavation • P455w0rdslib • Patchouli • PetSlow • Placebo • ProjectE • Project EX • QuantumStorage • Random Things • ReAuth • Reborn Core • RebornStorage • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Refined Storage • Refined Storage Addons • Resource Loader • Resource Reloader • RFTools • RFTools Control • Rftoolspower • Roost • ShadowMC • Simple Harvest • Simple Logic-Gates • Simple Logic-Wires • Simply Jetpacks 2 • Smooth Font • Snad • SonarCore • Storage Drawers • Structure Utils • Surge • Team Islands • Tech Reborn • Tesla Core Lib Registries • Tesslocator • Thaumcraft 6 • Thaumic Grid • Thaumic JEI • Thaumic Terminal • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Thermal Innovation • TipTheScales • Toast Control • Tomb Many Graves • TOP Addons • TorchMaster • Trample Stopper • Translocators • Triumph • Twerk-Sim 2K16 • UniDict • Uppers • Valkyrie Lib • WanionLib • Wireless Crafting Terminal 2 • Woot • WirelessRedstone-CBE • XNet • YABBA • Zero CORE • Blood Magic 2 • Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning • Extreme Reactors • Chest Transporter • Just Enough Items • FTB Guides


FTB Presents Stoneblock 2 v1.11.0 (MC v1.12.2)

Actually Additions • Actually Baubles • AE2 Stuff • AE2 Wireless Terminals (AE2WTLib) • Akashic Tome • AngelRing 2 Bauble • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • ArchitectureCraft • Attribute Fix • AutoRegLib • Avaritia • B.A.S.E • Baubles • BDLib • Bed Patch • Better Builder's Wands • Blockcraftery • Bonsai Trees • Bookshelf • Botania • Brandon's Core • BuildCraft Compat • Building Gadgets • Ceramics • Chameleon • Chance Cubes • Chest Transporter • Chickens • Chisel • Chisels & Bits • Client Tweaks • Clipboard • Clumps • CoFH Core • CoFH World • CommonCapabilities • Compact Machines 3 • ContentTweaker • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • Crafting Tweaks • CraftPresence • CraftTweaker2 • CTM • Cucumber Library • Custom Main Menu • CXLibrary • Cyclic • Cyclops Core • /dank/null • Dark Utilities • Default Options • Diet Hopper • Draconic Evolution • EnderCore • Ender IO Machines • Ender IO endergy • EnderStorage • Environmental Tech • Exchangers • Ex Compressum • Ex Nihilo Creatio • Extra Cells 2 • Extra Utilities 2 • Farming for Blockheads • Faster Ladder Climbing • FastFurnace • FastLeafDecay • FastWorkbench • Flat Colored Blocks • Fluid Cows • Flux Networks • FoamFix • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Forge Microblocks • Framland • FTB Library • FTB Quests • FTB Utilities • FTB Utilities: Backups • Fullscreen Windowed • GasConduits • GooglyEyes • Gravestone Mod • Hammer Core • Hatchery • iChunUtil • Immersive Engineering • Industrial Foregoing • Industrial Meat • Integrated Dynamics • Integrated Tunnels • Integration Foregoing • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chest • Item Filters • Jehc • Just Enough Energistics • Just Enough Resources • KleeSlabs • Let's Encrypt Craft • LLibrary • LootTweaker • Main Menu Scale • MalisisCore • MalisisDoors • Mantle • McJtyLib • Mekanism • Mekanism: Generators • Mekanism: Tools • MightyEnderChicken • MineTogetherServer • Missing Pieces • Mob grinding utils • Mod Name Tooltip • Mod Tweaker • More Chickens • More Furnaces • MoreOverlays • Morph • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • ModPack Utilities • MrTJPCore • MTLib • Mystical Agradditions • Mystical Agriculture • Mystical Lib • Neat • No Mob Spawning on Trees • No Recipe Book • Not Enough Wands • OpenBlocks • OpenModsLib • Oreberries • OreExcavation • P455w0rdslib • PackCrashInfo • Pam's HarvestCraft • PetRock • Placebo • PlusTiC • ProjectE • Project EX • Project Intelligence • ProjectRed Core • ProjectRed Compatibility • ProjectRed Fabrication • ProjectRed integration • ProjectRed Illumination • ProjectRed Relocation • Psi • QuantumFlux • RandomPatches • Random Things • RandomTweaks • Realistic Item Drops • ReAuth • Reborn Core • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Resource Loader • RF Lux • RFTools • RFTools Control • Rftoolspower • Roost • Server Level Type • ShadowMC • Simply Jetpacks 2 • Simply Light • Smooth Font • Snad • SonarCore • Splash Animation • StoneBlock Dimensions • StoneBlockUtilities • Stone Chest • Storage Drawers • Tinkers' Construct • Tesla Core Lib Registries • Thaumcraft 6 • Thaumic JEI • Thaumic Terminal • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Thermal Innovation • Tinkers Tool Leveling • Tiny Progressions • TipTheScales • Too Many Efficiency Losses • Toast Control • TOP Addons • TorchMaster • Trample Stopper • Translocators • UniDict • Uppers • Valkyrie Lib • VanillaFix • Void Island Control • WanionLib • Wireless Crafting Terminal 2 • WirelessRedstone-CBE • Xaero's Minimap • XNet • Xtones • YABBA • YNot • Zero CORE • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded • BetterFps • CodeChickenLib • Twerk Sim 2K16 • Iron Backpacks • Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning • Extreme Reactors • Just Enough Items • NoTemaStahp


FTB Ultimate Reloaded v1.6.0 (MC v1.12.2)

Advanced Machines • Advanced Solar Panels • AE2 Stuff • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • Aroma1997Core • Aroma1997's Dimensional World • AutoRegLib • Baubles • BDLib • Better Advancements • BiblioCraft • Binnie's Genetics • Blockcraftery • BuildCraft Compat • CC: Tweaked • Charset-Crafting • Charset • Chisel • Chisels & Bits • CodeChicken Lib • CoFH Core • CoFH World • Compact Solar Arrays • Asielib • Controlling • Crafting Tweaks • CraftTweaker2 • CTM • Custom Main Menu • Default Options • Diet Hopper • EnderStorage • Energy Converters • Fancy Fluid Storage • FastWorkbench • Flat Colored Blocks • FoamFix • Forestry • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • Forge Microblocks • FTB Library • FTB Utilities • FTB Utilities: Backups • Gravitation Suite • GravityGun • Guide-API • Harvest • iChunUtil • Immersive Cables • Immersive Engineering • IndustrialCraft 2 • Industrial Foregoing • Integration Foregoing • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chest • JEI Bees • JEI Integration • Just Enough Energistics • Long Fall Boots • Magic Bees • MC Multi Part • Modular ForceField System • MineTogetherServer • Mod Name Tooltip • Mod Tweaker • Modular Routers • MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits • MoreOverlays • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • MrTJPCore • MTLib • Mystical Lib • Netherending Ores • Numina • PeripheralsPlusOne • Placebo • Player Plates • Plethora • PortalGun • ProjectRed Core • ProjectRed Compatibility • ProjectRed Fabrication • ProjectRed integration • ProjectRed Illumination • ProjectRed Relocation • ProjectRed Exploration • ProjectX 2 • Railcraft • RandomPatches • ReAuth • Reborn Core • Redstone Flux • Xeno's Reliquary • Resource Loader • Retro Exchange • Silverfish • Simple Corn • Smooth Font • Soul Shards Respawn • Splash Animation • Steve's Carts 2 • Tech Reborn • Tesla Core Lib Registries • Thaumcraft • Thaumic Energistics • Thaumic JEI • Thaumic Tinkerer • The Framework • The One Probe • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • TipTheScales • Toast Control • TOP Addons • TorchMaster • Traverse • The Twilight Forest • UniDict • WanionLib • World Control • WirelessRedstone-CBE • Xaero's World Map • Xaero's Minimap • YABBA • Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning • Just Enough Items


FTB Unstable 1.12 v2.0.4 (MC v1.12.2)

Actually Additions • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • Aroma1997Core • Aroma1997's Dimensional World • AutoRegLib • Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded • Bed Bugs • Better Builder's Wands • BiblioCraft • Biomes O' Plenty • Block Whitelist • Bookshelf • Brandon's Core • Chameleon • Chest Transporter • Chisel • Chisels & Bits • CodeChicken Lib • CoFH Core • CoFH World • Colossal Chests • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • Crafting Tweaks • CraftTweaker2 • CTM • Cucumber • Custom Main Menu • Cyclops Core • Dark Utilities • Default Options • Draconic Evolution • Elevator Mod • EnderTanks • Environmental Tech • Exchangers • Extra Utilities 2 • Flat Colored Blocks • FoamFix • Forestry • FTBLib • FTBUtilities • Gravestone Mod • Immersive Engineering • InControl • Interaction Wheel • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chest • JEI Integration • JourneyMap • Just Enough Resources • The Lost Cities • Lost Souls • Mantle • McJtyLib • MC Multi Part • Mercurius • Mob grinding utils • Mod Name Tooltip • MoreOverlays • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • ModPack Basic Tools • ModPack Utilities • Multi-Storage • Mystical Agriculture • Natura • Nature's Compass • Nether Portal Fix • Nice • Not Enough Wands • Open Glider • Psi • QuantumStorage • Quick Leaf Decay • Ranged Pumps • ReAuth • Reborn Core • Redstone Arsenal • Redstone Flux • Refined Storage • Refined Storage Addons • Resource Loader • RF Lux • RFTools • RFTools Control • RFTools Dimensions • ShetiPhian-Core • Simple-Void-World • Soul Shards - The Old Ways • Steve's Carts 2 • Storage Drawers • Storage Drawers Extras • Tinkers' Construct • Tech Reborn • The One Probe • Thermal Cultivation • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • TorchMaster • Useful Nullifiers • Valkyrie Lib • Water Strainer • Waystones • XNet • YABBA • Zero CORE • Extreme Reactors • Just Enough Items



FTB Beyond v1.11.0 (MC v1.10.2)

Interaction Wheel • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • JEI Bees • JourneyMap • Just Enough Resources (JER) • KleeSlabs • LaunchGUI • Long Fall Boots • LunatriusCore • Mantle • McJtyLib • MCMultiPart • MmmMmmMmmMmm • Mob Grinding Utils • Mod Name Tooltip • ModTweaker • Modular Forcefield System • More Beees • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • MPUtils • MTLib • MultiStorage • Natura • NetherPortalFix • Not Enough Items 1.8.+ • Open Glider • OpenBlocks Elevator • OpenComputers • P455w0rd's Library • Pam's HarvestCraft • Project Red - Base • Project Red - Integration • Project Red - Lighting • Project Red - Mechanical • Project Red - World • Psi • QuantumStorage • Quark • Ranged Pumps • ReAuth • RebornCore • Redstone Arsenal • Refined Relocation 2 • Refined Storage • Reliquary v1.3 • Resource Loader • RFTools • RFTools Control • Roots • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • ShadowMC • ShetiPhianCore • Signals • Simple Void World • Simpleretrogen • Simply Jetpacks 2 • Sleeping Bag • Snad • Solar Flux Reborn • Sonar Core • Steve's Carts Reborn • Storage Drawers • Storage Drawers Extras • Super Circuit Maker • Super Crafting Frame • The One Probe • Thermal Foundation • Tinkers' Construct • Tinkers' Tool Leveling • TOP Addons • TorchMaster • Translocators 1.8.+ • UniDict • Useful Nullifiers • ValkyrieLib • WanionLib • Wireles Crafting Grid • Wireless Crafting Terminal • Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition • Woot • YABBA • ZeroCore • Thermal Expansion • Tech Reborn • Iron Backpacks • Mercurius • Just Enough Items (JEI) • InGame Info XML • Actually Additions • Advanced Machines • Advanced Solar Pan0ßpüppooüoels • AE2 Stuff • AgriCraft • AppleSkin • Applied Energistics 2 • ArchitectureCraft • Aroma1997Core • Aroma1997s Dimensional World • AutoRegLib • Baubles • BdLib • Better Builder's Wands • Better Than Bunnies • BiblioCraft • Blood Arsenal • Blood Magic • Bookshelf (Mod) • Botania • Brandon's Core • Ceramics • Chameleon • Chest Transporter • Chisel • Chisels & Bits • Clipboard • CodeChicken Core 1.8.+ • CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ • CoFH Core • CompactSolars • CompatLayer • Controlling • Cooking for Blockheads • CraftTweaker • Custom Main Menu • Dark Utilities • DecoCraft2 • Deep Resonance • Default Options • Draconic Evolution • Drawers & Bits • ElecCore • Embers • Ender IO • EnderCore • Ender Storage 1.8.+ • Engineers Workshop • Environmental Tech • ET Lunar • Extra Utilities 2 • Extreme Reactors • Flat Colored Blocks • Flux Networks • FoamFix • Forestry • Forge MultiPart CBE • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • Funky Locomotion • Funnels • Gendustry • GraveStone Mod • Gravitation Suite • Guide-API • Hammer Core • HelpFixer • Hopper Ducts • Immersive Engineering • Industrial Craft • InfinityLib • MPUtils Basic Tools


FTB Infinity Lite 1.10 v1.5.0 (MC v1.10.2)

AppleSkin • Aroma1997Core • Aroma1997s Dimensional World • Bagginses • Baubles • BDLib • BetterBedrockGen • Biomes O' Plenty • Blood Magic • Botania • Brandon's Core • Chameleon • Charset • Chest Transporter • Chisels & Bits • CodeChickenLib • CompactSolars • CompatLayer • Cooking for Blockheads • CraftTweaker • Custom Main Menu • Dark Utilities • Deep Resonance • Default Options • Draconic Evolution • ElecCore • Ender IO • EnderCore • EnderTanks • Extra Utilities • Flat Colored Blocks • Forestry • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • Gendustry • Guide-API • Immersive Engineering • Industrial Craft • Inventory Tweaks • Iron Chests • Item Scroller • JEI Bees • JourneyMap • Just Enough Resources (JER) • KleeSlabs • Mantle • McJtyLib • Mekanism • MekanismGenerators • MekanismTools • Mercurius • Missing Pieces • MMDOreSpawn • MmmMmmMmmMmm • Mod Name Tooltip • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • MultiStorage • Natura • NetherPortalFix • OpenBlocks Elevator • OpenComputers • Pam's HarvestCraft • Platforms • Quantum Storage • Railcraft • Ranged Pumps • RebornCore • Refined Relocation 2 • Refined Storage • Xeno's Reliquary • Resource Loader • RFTools • RFTools Control • Roots • Shadowfacts' Forgelin • ShadowMC • ShetiPhianCore • Signals • Simple Barrels • Simple Covers • Simple Generators • Simpleretrogen • Sleeping Bag • Solar Flux Reborn • Soul Shards: The Old Way2.6.7-48s • StacksOnStacks • Storage Drawers • Super Crafting Frame • The One Probe • Tinkers' Construct • Useful Nullifiers • ValkyrieLib • ZeroCore • Chisel • Better Builder's Wands • GraveStone Mod • Bookshelf (Mod) • Extreme Reactors • Just Enough Items (JEI)


FTB Presents SkyFactory 3 v3.0.15 (MC v1.10.2)



FTB Presents HermitPack v1.7.0 (MC v1.10.2)

Actually Additions • Advanced Solar Panels • AutoRegLib • Baubles • BDLib • Blood Magic • Botania • Chameleon • Chest Transporter • CompatLayer • Cooking for Blockheads • CraftTweaker • Custom Main Menu • Deep Resonance • Default Options • Dragon Tweaks • ElecCore • EnderCore • Ender Zoo • Extra Utilities • FastLeafDecay • Flat Colored Blocks • Flight Tweaks • Forestry • FTB Utilities • FTBLib • Gendustry • Guide-API • Immersive Engineering • Inventory Tweaks • JEI Bees • JourneyMap • Mantle • Mekanism • Mercurius • Mod Name Tooltip • Morpheus • Mouse Tweaks • MTLib • Not Enough Wands • OpenComputers • Pam's HarvestCraft • Platforms • Psi • Quantum Flux • Random Things • Ranged Pumps • Refined Storage • Xeno's Reliquary • Resource Loader • RFTools • RFTools Control • Roots • ShadowMC • Signals • Simple Generators • Sleeping Bag • Sound Filters • Super Circuit Maker • Tech Reborn • The One Probe • Tinkers' Construct • Torcherino • Useful Nullifiers • ValkyrieLib • Weapon Case Loot • Cyclic • Quark • Storage Drawers • Environmental Tech • Chisel • Better Builder's Wands • GraveStone Mod • Applied Energistics 2 • AutoPackager • Bad Wither No Cookie! • Biome Paint Tools • Drawers & Bits • EJML Core • Ender Tanks • EnderIO • FoamFix • Hammer Core • Hermit Quest • Hopper Ducts Mod • IndustrialCraft 2 • IronChests • Just Enough Resources • MCJtyLib • MCMultiPart • MineTweaker • Mod Tweaker 2 • More Overlays • Multi-Storage • NoMoreRecipeConflict • QuantumStorage • RFTools Dimensions • Reborn Core • Redstone Paste Mod • Shetiphian Core • Simply Conveyors • TOP Addons • Tinkers' Addons • Tinkers' Tool Leveling • Extreme Reactors • ZeroCore • Chisels and Bits • More Bees • Just Enough Items


FTB Presents Direwolf 20 1.10 v1.12.1 (MC v1.10.2)

Actually Additions • Akashic Tome • Applied Energistics 2 • AutoRegLib • Bad Wither No Cookie! • Bagginses • Baubles • Better Builder's Wands • Biomes O' Plenty • Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry • Bookshelf • Botania • Brandon's Core • Chameleon • Chisel • Chisels & Bits • CodeChicken Core • CodeChicken Lib • CoFH Core • Compact Solar Arrays • Compatlayer • MineTweaker 3 • CreeperHost • Custom Main Menu • Dark Utilities • DeepResonance • Draconic Evolution • ElecCore • EnderCore • Ender IO • EnderStorage • Extra Utilities 2 • FastLeafDecay • Flat Colored Blocks • Foamfix • Forestry • FTBLib • FTBUtilities • Gravestone • Guide-API • Immersive Engineering • IndustrialCraft 2 • Simple Inventory sorting • Iron Backpacks • Iron Chest • JEI Bees • JourneyMap • Just Enough Resources • Light Level Overlay Reloaded • Mantle • McJtyLib • MC Multi Part • Mercurius • Morph-o-Tool • Morpheus • Not Enough Wands • OpenComputers • Pam's HarvestCraft • Psi • Quark • Railcraft • Ranged Pumps • Redstone Arsenal • Refined Storage • Resource Loader • RFTools • RFTools Control • RFTools Dimensions • Storage Drawers • Super Circuit Maker • Tinkers' Construct • The One Probe • Thermal Dynamics • Thermal Expansion • Thermal Foundation • Waila • Waila Harvestability • What Are We Looking At • XNet • Zero CORE • Extreme Reactors • Just Enough Items


FTB Skyfactory Challenges

FTB Unstable 1.10

Third-Party Packs[edit]

These modpacks, distributed via the Twitch App, have been created independently from the Feed The Beast Team.


All the Mods 3

Enigmatica 2: Expert

Enigmatica 2

FoolCraft 3

Hexxit Updated

Life in the Village

Modern Skyblock 3: Departed

Project Ozone 3 A New Way Forward

Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons

SevTech: Ages

SkyFactory 4

Stone Block

World of Dragons

v1.10 + v1.11[edit]

Age of Engineering v1.1.2 (MC v1.10.2)

Actually Additions • Advanced Rocketry (Library) • Advanced Rocketry • Applied Energistics 2 Core • Aroma 1997's Dimensional World • Aroma1997Core • Bad Wither No Cookie! • Bagginses • Base Metals • BDLib • Bed Bugs • Better Achievements • Better Builder's Wands • Bookshelf (Mod) • Bookshelf (Library) • Brandon's Core • CalcCrT • Calculator • Ccl-entityhook • Chameleon • Chest Transporter • Chisels & Bits • Clay Bucket • CommonCapabilities • Compact Solar Arrays • CraftTweaker JEI Support • CT-GUI • CTM • Custom Achievements • Custom Main Menu • Cyclops Core • Dark Utilities • DeepResonance • Draconic Evolution • ElecCore • EnderCore • EnderStorage • Enviromental Tech • Extra Utilities 2 • Flat Colored Blocks • FoamFix • FoamFixCore • Forestry • Forge Mod Loader • FTBLib • FTBUtilities • Gravestone Mod • Hammer Core • Hopper Ducts • Immersive Engineering • IndustrialCraft 2 • Integrated Dynamics • Inventory Tweaks • JEI Bees • JourneyMap • Just Enough Resources • LibVulpes • Mantle • MCMultiPart • Mekanism • Minecraft Coder Pack • Minecraft Forge • MineTweaker 3 • Mod Name Tooltip • Mod Tweker • Modern Metals • ModPack Basic Tools • Modpack Utilities • MoreOverlays • Morpheus • MTLib • NeoTech • P455w0rd's Library • Progressive Automation • QuantumStorage • Ranged Pumps • RebornCore • Reborncore-MCMultiPart • Resource Loader • RFTools • RFTools Control • RFTools Dimensions • Simply Jetpacks 2 • Solar Flux Reborn • SonarCore • Storage Drawers • Super Circuit Maker • SwingThroughGrass • TESLA • The One Probe • Tinkers' Construct 2 • Tiny Progressions • TOP Addons • Translocator • Valkyrie Lib • Wireless Crafting Terminal • Zero CORE • Advanced Solar Panels • Applied Energistics 2 • EnderIO • Chisel • Advanced Generators • Tech Reborn • CodeChickenCore • CodeChickenLib • Extreme Reactors • More Bees • Just Enough Items


All the Mods

Craft of the Titans

Farming Valley


Forever Stranded


Modern Skyblock 2 v (MC v)



Pokemon Adventure

Project Ozone Lite


Space Astronomy 2

The Simple Life 2: Genesis

Template:Grid/Alloy Smelter GTCE

Template:Grid/Amplifabricator GTCE

Template:Grid/Arc Furnace GTCE

Template:Grid/Assembler GTCE

Template:Grid/Autoclave GTCE

Template:Grid/Bending Machine GTCE

Template:Grid/Blast Furnace GTCE

Template:Grid/Brewery GTCE

Template:Grid/Canning Machine GTCE

Template:Grid/Centrifuge GTCE

Template:Grid/Chemical Bath GTCE

Template:Grid/Chemicial Reactor GTCE

Template:Grid/Coke Oven GTCE

Template:Grid/Compressor GTCE

Template:Grid/Cracking Unit GTCE

Template:Grid/Cutting Machine GTCE

Template:Grid/Distillery GTCE

Template:Grid/Distillation Tower GTCE

Template:Grid/Electromagnetic Separator GTCE

Template:Grid/Electrolyzer GTCE

Template:Grid/Extractor GTCE

Template:Grid/Extruder GTCE

Template:Grid/Fermenter GTCE

Template:Grid/Fluid Canner GTCE

Template:Grid/Fluid Extractor GTCE

Template:Grid/Fluid Heater GTCE

Template:Grid/Fluid Solidifier GTCE

Template:Grid/Forge Hammer GTCE

Template:Grid/Forming Press GTCE

Template:Grid/Implosion Compressor GTCE

Template:Grid/Laser Engraver GTCE

Template:Grid/Lathe GTCE

Template:Grid/Macerator GTCE

Template:Grid/Mixer GTCE

Template:Grid/Ore Washing Plant GTCE

Template:Grid/Packager GTCE

Template:Grid/Plasma Arc Furnace GTCE

Template:Grid/Polarizer GTCE

Template:Grid/Power Gen GTCE

Template:Grid/Primitive Blast Furnace GTCE

Template:Grid/Pyrolyse Ovem GTCE

Template:Grid/Sifter GTCE

Template:Grid/Thermal Centrifuge GTCE

Template:Grid/Unpackager GTCE

Template:Grid/Vacuum Freezer GTCE

Template:Grid/Wiremill GTCE