Amethyst Armor

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Amethyst Armor
Item Amethyst Helmet.png

Grid Amethyst Helmet.png

Name Amethyst Armor
Source Mod Biomes O' Plenty
ID Name Unknown
Type Armor
Stackable No

Amethyst Armor is an armor set added by the Biomes O' Plenty mod that is crafted from Amethysts. To obtain Amethyst, one must enter the Promised Land dimension.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)

Amethyst Helmet
GUI Crafting Table.png
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst Chestplate
GUI Crafting Table.png
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst Leggings
GUI Crafting Table.png
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)

Amethyst Boots