ME Blank Pattern

ME Blank Pattern
ME Blank Pattern

Name ME Blank Pattern
Source Mod Applied Energistics
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

An ME Blank Pattern is an item added by the Applied Energistics mod. It can be encoded with a recipe using an ME Pattern Encoder. Once encoded the name changes to 'ME Encoded Pattern' which can then be placed into an ME Molecular Assembler Chamber or ME Interface. As the ME Pattern Encoder does not validate the recipes, any recipe can be encoded on a ME Blank Pattern, even an invalid one, by placing the desired result item in the output slot. This allows the ME Blank Pattern to be used for "processing" recipes that requires machines. Once one of these recipes is encoded, the pattern can be placed into an ME Interface to provide that recipe to the network. If one recipe for a product already exists on the network, then another one added later on will not be used.


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ME Blank Pattern